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How to Make Your Own Smudge Sticks

Veena Aruldass
Smudge sticks are burned as a part of a cleansing ritual or ceremony. These are a part of Native American healing, and have a lot of benefits. Lets know how to make them.
Smudging is a sacred tradition which has its roots and beliefs in the depths of time. A smudge stick consists of a bundle of dried herbs, especially sage. Small bundles of leaves are tied with a string or hide and then dried. Often, other herbs are also added.
In the present-day procedures, herbs and spices like lavender, cedar, and cilantro are also used. When burnt, the smoke has a very strong, yet pleasant smell.
This ritual is used as a powerful form of cleansing, and is an integral part of the native American tradition. Sage is a sacred herb which is said to drive out negative energies and thoughts, and also bad spirits and evil influences. Another herb that is used in this procedure is called sweet grass, which is said to have powers to attract positive energies.
Burning smudge sticks is believed to help reinstate balance in your life. It is an art of cleansing yourself and environment. The ritual of using sacred smoke for purification is not restricted to native American herbs.
The incense and herbal smoke mixtures have been used for thousand years in different parts of the globe, including Asian countries like China and India, Europe and other western countries.

Making These at Home

For thousands of years, smudging has been a part of the native American tradition, however, it has now become popular everywhere. Given is the method to make smudge sticks at home.


  • A sheet of newspaper or sushi mat
  • A sturdy, thin piece of thread or string
  • Garden clippers to cut the herbs to the required length
  • Plant material (usually white sage, but you can include lavender, mugwort, yarrow, hemlock pine, balsam, cedar, or juniper)


  • Cut the sage branches 7 to 10 inches in length.
  • Take a string measuring two and a half times the length of the branches that you have cut.
  • Hold 2-3 branches, with the end or the base facing upwards and the tips pointing downwards, and your thumb in an upward position.
  • Start by wrapping a small amount of string around the base in order to hold the branches together. Wrap it tightly and go downwards.
  • Make sure the string is firm but not too tight. If the branches are tied too tight, they will not dry properly, and if they are too loose, they will fall apart when dry. Thus, use right amount of pressure.
  • Go towards the tips of the branches and work backwards, continue tightening the string upwards to the base. This gives a zigzag pattern.
  • Now tie the two loose ends of the string at the base.
  • Place the wrapped branch in the sheet of paper or sushi mat about a quarter way up,  roll the stick into the paper. When the paper is used up,the smudge stick is ready.
  • As flat surfaces burn better, you can trim the edges of the sticks and make them flat.
  • Use a flat basket or screen to dry them. It usually takes a week for drying herbs depending on their moisture content, and the surrounding temperature.
Remember that some plants may have toxic fumes. Do not burn herbs unless you have enough information about them. As this is a sacred ritual, people who make smudge sticks are encouraged to take the permission of the plant and thank it before plucking it--as a part of the procedure.